
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Creative Prompts 4U.. is Changing it UP!!

It is time to CHANGE IT UP!! I was so excited to do this challenge .. 1. because it was going to be a fun one.. 2. because my sweet friend Tara Thynne was going to be the Guest Designer this week at CP4U.

I have admired her for such a long time.. I won't tell you how long because then that would show my age.. and we all know I am YOUNG (35 right) haha... I was also very lucky to meet Tara last weekend at Scrapfest in Kitchener. We actually saw each other before they let us in the doors. Like a romance novel our eyes linked from across the room.. gushy eh.. but it actually did.. and we just knew who we were.. and can I tell you now that I have met her I love her even more!! Here is a photo of the two of us on the first night of Scrapfest!

Well enough about me ...

Here is Tara's creative prompt...

Her challenge is for you is to take an embellishment and enhance it to make a new one of a kind addition to your page. You can do this by many means... painting, misting, adding glitter... the sky's the limit!

Here is the layout I did using metal altered embellishments.

TURTLE turtle..

The details.

Using my handy dandy copics I just coloured in the inside of the metal flower. love this look.

For the metal frame I took 4 different fine tip sharpies and did a chicken scratch on the frame , it just give it that kid look to it .. almost like my 4 year old did it.. now don't laugh I really don't colour like a 4 year old... okay you can laugh.. I do it to myself alot! haha

Now just go check out the wonderful creations on the Creative Prompts 4U challenge blog.. Like wow.. some wonderful layouts to check out and the info on what each designer has altered.

Have a great Thursday!!

Hugs & Smiles,


1 comment:

thanks you for taking the time to comment. I so appreciate reading them all!
hugs Angie Blom xox