
Thursday, May 6, 2010

All About Mom.. TGF

With Mother's Day this Sunday what better way to celebrate by doing a layout All about Mom.. This is my MOM.. my best friend , she is the one person that makes me feel loved everyday and alway supports everything I do with a positive outlook. You can't ask for a better Mom. We talk to each other everyday.. and at this age we have alot in common. I Love YOU.. MOM


Using the Greeting Farm Spotlight SB Kit I used the journaling tag for my journaling, this is hidden behind the photo. and I just love those butterflies.. so perfect for a layout of Mom..

Now if you want to Play this week with us.
We are celebrating MOM. Whether it's your Mom, a mother-like role model, special aunt, friend, or relative...or your OWN experiences as a Mom...with Mother's Day around the corner, we are celebrating MOTHERHOOD this week with a very special themed Scrapbook Challenge...
Want to play along? We'd LOVE you to!

Upload a Scrapbook layout or 3D Altered Item using ONLY TGF Stamps to TGF Galleria>Scrapbooking Kits>Contests/Challenges>All about Mom

You have until Tuesday, May 12th to enter to WIN a TGF Single of Choice (in stock).! WINNER will be announced here on the blog next Thursday during the next SB Challenge!

For more inspiration go check out the Greeting Farm SB Girls

Angela Sowell

Angie Blom ( this is ME )

Claudette San Pedro

Jacilynn Cox

Jeannette Siciliani

Jessica Diedrich-TGF Creative Coordinator

JoAnn Valderama

Lysa RohrerMag Araldo

Hope you all have a wonderful Mother's Day .




  1. beautiful page! Gorgeous pic. Love it girl.

  2. What a great idea!! I so wish my mom and I got along so I could do something great like this. Ahh to wish. What a great mom you have!! And such a wonderful way to honor her!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

  3. Oh Angie this is BEAUTIFUL!

  4. Great page! Love the clean & simple look of it :)


thanks you for taking the time to comment. I so appreciate reading them all!
hugs Angie Blom xox