
Thursday, May 27, 2010

TGF- Sketch Challenge... ohhhh by ME!!

Oh I can't believe this is the last post for this "Spotlight" Scrapbooking Kit from The Greeting Farm.. WOW.. it is just amazing how fast the time has gone.. and I still love using this kit and I am sure that you will see me sneaking some of the stamps in other projects.. I love the images that much.. A must buy if you have not purchased it yet.. you are just gonna love this kit!!

This weeks challenge is a sketch that I did... yippee.. my first one for TGF.. I am so excited to see what the other girls have come up with using this sketch. You will have to go check it out on The Greeting Farm Blog.. all the details will be there.. and the eye Candy from the other Scrapbooking Design Team!!

here is the layout I did using the sketch.

Sparkle Spotlight.

The Details..

Using my handy dandy sewing machine I did the border on the orange cardstock.. I love this look.. I used some fun MME papers and the star and spotlight stamp from the "Spotlight Kit". some of the other stars are Sass.. these photo's were taken this past Monday.. it was Victoria day.. a holiday to kick off this hot weather... lol.. These are my kids having some sparkler fun.. they just love these fun times.. and I just love taking photo's of it!! WIN WIN!!

Remember to go check out the TGF blog and play along.. always a fun prize to be won!!
Hope you all have a wonderful and COOL day!!

The SB Design Team..
Angela Sowell
Angie Blom ( this is ME )
Claudette San Pedro
Jacilynn Cox
Jeannette Siciliani
JoAnn Valderama
Lysa RohrerMag Araldo

Hugs & Smiles


  1. oooh, Angie! This layout is GORGEOUS!!! I need to go check out that sketch! smiles...

  2. LOVED your sketch and may just have to use it again & again & again... love your page!

  3. your border rocks!!! love that sketch too!!

  4. Your sketch is fabulous and your page is AMAZING!!! seriously I love it. way to go girlie.

  5. This is so fun Angie! Looks like your kiddos had a blast! I love your stitched border! I have to go check out your sketch!

  6. Too, too cute! Love the colors, it's so vibrant!!! Oooh, I also love the stitching!!!! I'm lazy to pull my sewing machine out and when I do I can't insert the bobbin correctly...sigh! Do they have a sewing machine where you can just drop the bobbin in? LOL!

  7. Lovely layout! And I loved your sketch this week! So fun! :)


thanks you for taking the time to comment. I so appreciate reading them all!
hugs Angie Blom xox