
Friday, May 21, 2010

TGIF... Friends With Flair Fridays..

WOW.. I am late at posting this.. to much fun this morning sitting on my patio eating breakfast with a friend.. Welcome Summer!! We are in the process of putting up the pool.. just need to fill it tonight and it will be ready to swim in next week.. we are suppose to be having some really HOT weather, so perfect time to get it up and let the water get warm for the next couple of days!!

This post is all about Cosmo Cricket..and Unity!! I saw that Angela was looking for some cards and made these up just in case. I love these sets.. so much fun to colour. Here they are!!

For you

Sew Cute

Just love these stamps.. now if you go check out the Unity Blog.. there will be a list of participants with wonderful creations this week.. Go check them out.. find that blinkie to win a chance of getting some Random Unity Stamps.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Hugs & Smiles


  1. these are the cutest - love the flowers and sewing machine :D

  2. Love the outline on the top card. Very cool idea!

  3. so glad u had a beautiful morning with a dear friend... times like that are worth savoring. xo

  4. Love your cards!! Love the bright color flowers.

  5. LOVE your cards - especially the first one!

  6. Oh Angie these are fantastic!!! I haven't had time yet to ink up my new Cosmo stamps - hopefully this weekend! Thanks for the inspiration and have a wonderful long weekend! {Hugs}!!

  7. I love your card they full color and so cute!!!

  8. Pretty cards Angie, love the bright colors!

  9. Well those are fun Cosmo Cricket kit cards! Nice job!

  10. super cute cards--very pretty!

  11. Great cards...lovin' Cosmo & Unity!


thanks you for taking the time to comment. I so appreciate reading them all!
hugs Angie Blom xox