
Friday, June 11, 2010

The Greeting Farm's Preview #2

Hello Everyone!

We're SUPER excited about The Greeting Farm Sunshine kit release that we're all playing along with the rest of the TGF family for Farm Fresh Friday!

Check out this fabulous sketch by Mercy!

Here is my layout using this wonderful Sketch.

Sweet Memories

This week we ventured to the park with a friend.. and there it was these two girls wearing the same T-shirt playing together.. different colours.. but I guess Valentines is not only for February.. it is all year long.

Here is that wonderful kit!! "Sunshine"

Stay tuned for more layouts featuring this fabulous kit! Thanks for visiting today!

Be sure to stop by the rest of the TGF Scrapbooking DT and see what they've created!

Angela Sowell
Angie Blom this is me!!
Claudette San Pedro

Jacilynn Cox
Jeannette Siciliani

Jessica Diedrich
JoAnn Valderama
Lysa Rohrer
Lynda Nielsen

Wishing everyone a wonderful LOVEly weekend!!


thanks you for taking the time to comment. I so appreciate reading them all!
hugs Angie Blom xox