
Thursday, June 3, 2010

TGF...Flowers.. Galore

Oh well maybe one more from the Spotlight Kit!! Today it is a great challenge.. one right up my alley.. and if any of you know how much I just love flowers.. and butterflies well I just thought this was so perfect!!

The Challenge for The Greeting Farm to use Flowers, Flowers, Flowers Galore!! and of course with your TGF stamps!! How easy and wonderful it that!
I had no photo's of this babe and was so glad on Tuesday that she let me take a few of her and her wonderful dress up Lei's.. It is always hard and I know you know what I mean to have them just once take a photo with a smile.. and it must of taken me 15 shots of her to just get one.. but even when she is not smiling , she is the perfect subject . Honestly I could just take photo after photo of her!!

Once Upon A Time...

To me the title speaks volumes and the story is always different and a continuous flow of awful ever afters and happy ever afters . Just depends on the day.. today was a good one. She is and will always be my Princess after all.

The flower are all homemade.. and the tutorial is here for the basic flower...
the only difference is the center rolls.. all you do is when you have the left over torn paper scraps from the circle.. you just roll them, I layered two colours and them glued them on to the additional flower center.. I love that you can play around with one flower and make it look different using different centers. Love that!!
I inked the Grid stamp from the "Spotlight " Kit all the way across the paper.. and with some green ink I inked up that most wonderful butterfly stamp.. I love this stamp!! Okay I love all the stamps in this kit.
Now it is your turn.. time to check out the other SB Greeting Farm girls.
Hope you all have a wonderful day.. remember come back next week .. we will be previewing the newest SB kit!!


  1. the colours and flowers are stunning on this...amazing photos too... stay in touch..hugs

  2. FABULOUS layout Ang!!! Your flowers are AMAZING!!! I hope I get a chance to play along with this one over at TGF!

  3. love the flowers you created to match her Lei :D

  4. awesome flowers gf! U are a rock star!

  5. your page is just AMAZING! Really I kept looking at it,taking in all the details and they Design. super job!

  6. This is STUNNING, Angie! I really love the layout and placement of pics/flowers. Just beautiful and so summery, too!


thanks you for taking the time to comment. I so appreciate reading them all!
hugs Angie Blom xox