
Monday, October 25, 2010

Hippity Hop.. and Growing In Unity!!

Happy H{ippity} Hop everyone..

and I am also doing Growing in Unity this week as well.

I have a fun and festive week to share .. lots of fun projects maybe a card or two.. but lots of ideas floating in this head of mine.. with Halloween this weekend and Christmas so close.. my brain has not stopped thinking.. it is funny to be around me.. I am so hyper with Holiday excitement!!


It took me all day Friday to make but I just LOVE it.. I got the print out pdj files on

Colorbok .com .. HERE

Daniel Shankland has a step by step print out and a video to share.. so if you are in the mood to make one.. it is free and ready to print off and decorate.

Here is mine.. using all Ippity Stamps.

From the Ippity stamp set.. That's Creepy!!

Pumpkins are from the set.. Fall for You
spider in the background is from That's Creepy

Clouds are from the set..Sweet Thoughts of Spring

Trick or Treat is from the set That's Creepy.. and my door is from the set

Quote's A 'La Happy

For Kelly's H{ippity} Hop challenge it is to make a Birthday Card.. and guess what today is!! her BIRTHDAY.. it is also Julie Campbell's Birthday.. and I wish them both the best birthday ever!!

Talk about 2 very talented people sharing this special day... now that is a celebration on it's own!!

So Happy Birthday Kelly and Julie.. I admire you both so much!!!

The Ippity Design Team all made Kelly some wonderful flowers for her Birthday and we Hijacked Sunday's Post to surprise her on the Ippity Blog.. I just love all the wonderful flower creations everyone made.. here is mine

I also made this cute little card!! Hope you like it Kelly!!

So make sure you come visit me all week during my Growing In Unity (GIU), I just love these weeks.. and I wanted this week before Halloween to show you some great crafts you can do for Halloween and some I did forThanksgiving.. I hope you come see me all week.. and try some of these for your next project!!

Remember, there is a PRIZE now involved in the Hippity Hop? If you want to win make sure you leave a comment on every DT member AND the Hippity Hop participants blogs! Isn't that awesome??? The winner will be announced on Hip Hop day this Thursday!!! So make sure you spread some love everywhere you go....never know, where the winner will be picked from.

Now time to go check out all the wonderful creations on Today's H{ippity} Hop..just stop by the Ippity Blog for the Master List of Participants..
I also hope to see you all tomorrow for some more Growing In Unity Projects!!
Happy Monday!!



  1. Your flowers and card is beautiful. WOW! WOW! WOW! That Haunted House is AWESOME and super duper inspiring. I just love all the sets you used and details are fabulous. Can't wait to see all your goodies you have in store for us this week.

  2. Angie, your house is AMAZING!!!! WOW, just like Cathy said! Love your flowers, too and of course your card is gorgeous and I know Kelly will love it, too!!!

  3. EEP!!!! That haunted house is incredible, fabulous, wonderful....add many other adjectives!

    I love your flowers, too - they're beautiful!

  4. your flowers are amazing. Love the haunted house. So fun.

  5. WOW!!! that spooky house is FABULOUS! love how it all came together. you'll be busy, busy this week. love your card for Kelly too. the embossing is a great detail!

  6. WOW! Your Halloween house is a-maz-ing! Love, love, love it! Totally worth it taking up the whole Friday. :-)

  7. From Kelly's card and flowers, to the Halloween projects--you've outdone yourself! They're great!

  8. Okay Angie... seriously! You are way too talented! I love the house and all it's creepiness! So amazing! I also love the card you made. I love the sentiment around the flowers and the texture. Beautiful!

  9. that house is AMAZING - love the mummy with the spideys on it :D

  10. Gorgeous flower & Card you made for Kelly!!

    I am not much of a halloween person, But your Haunted House is AMAZING!!! Such detail.. WOW ~~ WOW ~~ WOW~~

  11. Wowie! Love your haunted house and of course I love your flowers/card for Kelly. You're rockin' it girl.

    lisa a.

  12. Angie, your house is just Amazing! You are just so crative and talented!

  13. Amazing projects. Loved the haunted house and the flower :) The card is way too cute as well.

  14. I am digging that house Angie..truly amazing and I love all the ippity goodness on it!!

    Love the bouquet of flowers and that super sweet card you made for Kelly...WOW!!


  15. Whoa! That haunted house is just great!! You did an amazing job! Also love the flower and card for Kelly...wonderful!

  16. OMgoodness!! Your talent so amazes me!! That Halloween House is crazy ridiculous!! I love how you coordinated so many Ippity stamps into it too!! You ROCKED it girl!!

    And for my flower and card, you are so sweet!! My heart is so touched by the outpouring of love you guys have bestowed upon me this bday!! I so feel the love and love you right back!! ♥

  17. That last card is just beautiful. So simple and elegant. Well done!

  18. Great card, and that house up top - fabulous!

  19. WOW! I love that haunted house! Thanks for sharing the link!

  20. Oh my gosh that Halloween scene is sooo creative! Great Job! And your flower is beautiful. Love the look of simple elegance on your card as well... awesome projects!

  21. OMGoodness! Your haunted house is fantastic! Love your card and flower too! Amazing!

  22. Oh my you knocked this outta the park ANGIE!!! Your spooky house is REALLY spooky! and your sweet flowers and card are well - super sweet (just like you) hugs, Rona

  23. omgosh, you rock da haunted house!!! LOVE it. all the details from stamps - amazing. i never would have thought of making such a great home decor piece for the holidays.

    i also love your flowers & card - so pretty!

  24. Your flowers and card are wonderful...she will love them. Thank You for a chance to win cool stamps.
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

  25. OH MY GOODNESS...are you SERIOUS!! WOW, i am just in AWE...this is so AWESOME Angie!! WOW. WOW. WOW!!!! LOVE it!

  26. This is GORGEOUS, Angie! So perfect and spooky! Love it!

  27. OH. MY. GOODNESS! Angie.. your house is AMAZING!!! my kids are looking at it with me... of course now they want one!! LOL ... you did a fantastic job!!

  28. WOW, Angie, your house is absolutely spectacular!! I can't even begin to imagine making something like that. LOL It's really incredible! The handmade flowers and vintage card are beautiful, too. Congrats on being the Growing in Unity gal and thanks for a great sketch, too!!

  29. Oh WOW! Angie I don't even know where to start!!! That Haunnted House is amazing, amazing,amazing!!
    Your card and flower for Kelly is pretty fabulous to!!
    Gee Whiz!
    You Rock!!

    Thank you for sharing, for the inspiration, and for the link!!
    Have a great week!

  30. WOW! I am completely blown away. That house is something else. The details are just amazing. I absolutely love it!!!!

  31. Wow Ang, your house is've out one yourself.


  32. That house! With all the Ippity
    You really raised the bar with that project! Great job...

  33. wow! what a cool haunted house!!!

    I love the flowers too.
    and the card is lovely/

  34. this is one seriously cool haunted house, angie!! love the hat on the skeleton! sweet bday card, too!

  35. Wow, Angie, you have some fantastic projects going on! Way to Grow!

  36. Angie,

    That's great you made the Haunted House your own! This is exactly what I hoped would happen when I made this! It looks amazing! Makes All the hard work I put into that post worth while!

    Please continue to check Colorboks Blog in the future for more great ideas. I definitely plan on posting more videos and projects!

    Dan Shankland II
    Prototype Designer

  37. You just knock my socks off with your creativity Angie! These projects are the bomb! LOVE 'em!

  38. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your haunted house--so cute!!!! As always, all of your projects are fabulous.

  39. Angie, that house is AMAZING!!! What a showstopper!
    Your flowers for Kelly are so sweet, you are just amazing!

  40. Wow! Love how you used so many different stamps in this whole display. The pumpkins look so cute setting there with those little ones!

  41. That Halloween Haunted House is awesome! Looks like a lot of work but it sounds like you enjoyed making it. Thanks for sharing your talent.

    Carol B

  42. Look at all those magnificent details Angie...O.M.G!!! Not only is that Halloween house AWESOME, but look at the little characters you surrounded it with and all the leaves and pumpkins...A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! Your flowers are spectacular and your card is a beauty...WOW!

  43. Wow, what a lot of work! You did a terrific job on that haunted house!

  44. That Haunted House is FAB! SOOOOO awesome:) You rock at DETAILS! LOVE IT:)


thanks you for taking the time to comment. I so appreciate reading them all!
hugs Angie Blom xox