
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 1st.. Document Today

Today is my baby's girls 5th Birthday..

This is one of the most amazing days in our lives that we as a family feel so blessed to have this girl..

It was not in our plans to have anymore children.. we wanted more but medically it was not in the cards.. Then at 41.. after 18 years of marriage we got this wonderful wish.. Sydney was born.. on this day December 1st. five years ago.

It is not only the first day of Advent but it is a celebration of a Blessing for our little family.

Here is my beautiful baby girl.. already a poser at just a few days old.

In the palms of Daddy's hands.

Here is my sweet girl at 5.. today with her Mama.

may all your wishes come true.. cause you have made our wishes come true from the first time we knew you were coming.

Love Mom, Dad and Alex


  1. what a wonderful way to celebrate sydney! she's darling, angie:)

    happy bday, sydney!!

  2. Get out--she looks so tiny! I just love both of these pics:) Super precious! Happy birthday to a sweet Sydney:)

  3. Awww.....Happy, Happy Birthday to your beautiful sweet baby, Sydney!!! Hope she had a FANTASTIC, HAPPY day!!! Hugs and kisses to her!


thanks you for taking the time to comment. I so appreciate reading them all!
hugs Angie Blom xox