
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Project Blom.. update.

Okay today I am doing this.. I am getting up to speed on my Project Life.

I can do it!! ( i keep telling myself ) So here is my very long post for today.


March 28th

Roger and Sydney painting the molded hand print.. she will be doing this every 2 years

Alex did this for a couple of years as well.. it is a great treasure to have.

March 29

Exercising today.. my back was just killing me for days.

March 30

Movie day.. I got all snuggley on the couch and watched a movie having lunch

Mommy Day.. gotta love those.

March 31

Making these tags for Friends with Flair.. I want to do a giveaway and these will be some

of the items with some stamps.

April 1

Playdate with her friend Amber from school.. and then a sleepover with her Friend Emma..

this girl has a full agenda.

April 2

The kids hiding early in the morning playing with each other.. tons of FUN.

April 3

my ultimate favourite breakfast.. home made strawberry pancakes.. YUMMY!

April 4th

we have pretty good weather today . so it is time to get that BBQ going and have

a big juicy steak.. oh i love my BBQ!!

April 5

It is snowing.. come on stop that!! NO MORE SNOW!!

April 6th

Dying my hair.. too light so we will add another colour on top! Time to get decent for Scrapfest.

April 7

We had dinner at East Side Mario's and again they forgot about giving Sydney her

dinner.. Roger was pissed.. we will not be goig back.

April 8th

Scrapfest.. doing a Make n' Take with my sister and neices.. oh what a great time.

getting ready for bed.. tired but we are having FUN!!

April 9
The next day.. ton's of family joining me for Scrapfest.. I just love this.

April 10th
My sweet baby girl.. she is just getting over a cold.

April 11
Here are the Make n' Takes from Scrapfest.. it was alot of fun with
different things to make this year.. can't wait for October.

April 12
Mutti tell Sydney stories of her back in Germany when she was little.
I live for these story telling memories.. she loves her Mutti so much.

April 14
LUNCH.. yummy!!

April 15

Sydney taking a photo of herself.. I found this on my camera. love it!

April 16

Post it notes.. I wanted to keep myself organized.. and sydney didn't like my way

so she is changing it around.

April 17

Cinnabon... we went to have a snack at the mall and sat there watching

her make them while we ate..

April 17

Taking photo's of some of my duplicate stamps to trade over at

My Unity Place.. and some will go to friends as a little gift.

Well wow.. that was alot of backtracking.. but I am somewhat up to date now..

Tomorrow I will have the rest of the month. and hopefully will do this everyweek to stay on track.. All my journaling is done so now all I need to do is get the photo's printed at Costco.

WOoHoO.. feels nice to get this done.

Thanks for dropping by.

Have a great day




  1. Angie this is great. Good for you doing all this catching up. It is hard when we fall behind on it, I told myself this year I can't go longer then two weeks without updating. So I pencil it in every Sunday to sit and catch up on it. I love seeing your pictures and they are fun ones. I love you have a mom day with relaxing and a movie. Too bad for that snow, we keep getting rain which isn't fun either. How fun to have all your family there for scrapfest, I would love to come see you. Keep up the good work and I'll come back and see the next weeks. Good luck.

  2. Love all the pics and the captures that go with them. Looks like you all had a great time at Scrapfest and I just love love love the projects. Thanks so much for sharing.

  3. Looks like a really fun week!


  4. OHHHH! What beautiful pics--LOVE that you are tracking your life...this is going to be great for your entire family to look back on!! I also love the pics of the strawberry pancakes! OH MY! I'm drooling all over my computer! LOVE it:)


thanks you for taking the time to comment. I so appreciate reading them all!
hugs Angie Blom xox