
Thursday, October 18, 2012

10 Things About Me? Hip Hop

Hello everyone and welcome to another Hip Hop Thursday.
If you have just come from the Unity Blog you are in the right place
You would have also seen that with every HIP HOP Thursday,
Unity gives out some comment Prizes.. 3 lucky people will have
a chance at winning a $20.00 gift certificate to spend at the Unity Website each..
 HOW AWESOME it that!!

Today I am sharing a layout using the newest SMAK kit.. (track this, graph that)
You will find some different designs , loving the pie chart and library card. some
great stamps again with lots of amazing ideas for layouts and even cards.

I am also playing a game that I saw on Janna Werner's  Blog..
10 Things you didn't know about me.?
if you want to play just blog it on your blog.. or leave me a comment
and tell me one thing about yourself.. lets make it FUN!!

so here is my layout..
I AM..... epic

I was also one of the Artista's in this kit.. the stamps that are made by myself are the following,
the arrow heart, the geotag heart word and the geotags ( if you are not sure what a geotag is here is the defination.... geo tag or geo tagging  is the process of adding geographical identification metadata to various media such as a geotagged photograph or video, websites,)

I am so into these blues, aquas, I just can't seem to get enough of this colour.
Using some pretty blue washi tapes from MME, and my new favourite glittery tape from
American Crafts.. I think I need more!

The {I AM} letter stickers are from Authentique, and the punch is an EK Success border punch.
the papers are a dot white cardstock from Bazzill papers..
 a gift from one of my many favourite people
Catherine from Scrapbooking &Cards Today Magazine..
I got a gift of choosing 100  Bazzill cardstock papers ..
from the Scrapping Turtle last weekend at Scrapfest.
I am so lucky!!


Now .....

10 Things you might not know about me...??

1. I am one of 9 kids, the middle child. I broke the chain.. but I guess I might be the only
one in my family to really notice that fact. it was boy, girl, boy , girl.. then ME... and then it continued boy, girl, boy girl... see.. totally the middle child. haha

2. I live in Canada.. was born in Guyana, South America, came to Canada when I was 5 years old
I have never gone back. I am totally 100% Canadian.

3. I have not read a book in 6 years, I love to read but I just can't seem to concentrate long enough.  

4. I am 48 years of age... Married for 25 years.. but you might already know that one..

5. I lost a baby in my late 30's during my 4th month of Pregnancy.. not sure what happened..?? there was nothing in the sack.. I was heartbroken , but strong willed and got over the loss fast.
God only gives you what you can handle.. I am a true believer of that..  Faith.

6. I am a Lutheran, I love God, but I keep it to myself.. I use to go to church all the time.. every Sunday growing up.. I love my church.. When I was to get married, we went to my husbands church.. the Pastor had a hard time because my hubby didn't attend church every Sunday. we didn't get married in that church.. instead my mom made a phone call to my
childhood Lutheran Church.. and my Pastor welcomed us with open arms.
Now that is a beautiful thing.

7. I am so not wearing glasses, I have them.. but they make me feel short.. I know silly right.
but when I wear them I honestly feel this way.. so I only wear them when I am desperate..haha

8. True story.. I had a dream when I started buying Unity Stamps.. I was a stalker.. I admit it, every week I would wait for Thursday to come around, so I can chit chat with the Unity Peeps.. I even made a mini album with old photo's of Unity , I would write how much I dreamed of working for them.. well here I am years later and working for the same company I loved at first site.

9. I don't drive.. will never drive.. I have vivid dreams of being thrown out of a car on the highway.. so I get chauffeured around by my hubby , friends and family.. or I walk.. I love to walk!!

10. I have a fear of swimming in the deep end. I just won't go.. strange ,but I did as a child get all my badges.. and now as an adult I won't go .. even in the shallow end I like to have a floaty with me.
so leave me a little tid bit about you.. I would love to get to know you all better too.

so sorry about the long post..

Now to hop on over to the talented Jen Bucks Blog..

have a great day


  1. wow. thanks for sharing 10 things about you Angie. I'm a Lutheran too and although I'm not a middle child and that I drive... it's fun to know things about people who you "stalk" every week. hehe :)

    Love your layout BTW!

  2. I LOVE the share!
    Hubby is one of 7 kids and he is also in the middle. No pattern broken though - he is one of 6 boys and 1 girl. And he was born in Argentina :D.
    We're Baptist.
    I would love to have some sort of crafting business / teaching when kids are more self-reliant.
    We homeschool.
    Wish we used Dollars so that I could buy LOTS more Unity. (Exchange rate is killing us.)
    Riette (RED)

    1. I would love to have a crafty business too.. so glad to get to know you better as well Riette.

  3. Wow, thank you So much for that peek into your life! Lots of surprises there, like the fact that you don't drive and your funny story about the glasses! Your layout is awesome and I am eyeing that pie chart stamp!!
    As for one thing about myself, I did rabbit rescue for 10 years and neutered and spayed every single one of my rabbits so I could pair them up without adding to the problem. We had rabbits just show up in our yard out of the blue...I guess they were attracted by our other bunns!

  4. Great page , I'm loving the pie chart x I'm also a none driver it just scares me too much xx

  5. great page. I was so glad we met at Scrapfest.

    1. it was so nice to meet you too, it was the highlight of my day!! I hope we meet again <3

  6. Another great LO with awesome stamps!! Thanks for sharing a little about you!! One thing about me is that I still love stuffed animals. When my son sees one he wants, I can't resist. I'm not really buying it for him, but for me!!! :)

  7. Love this layout! I love the ten things about you - I don't drive either even in the car necessary city of Dallas. I just never felt comfortable so I walk and take the public transportation that is available in limited supply:-)

  8. Thanks for the layout and the peek into your life. You ARE epic! And Lutheran -- great combo!

  9. Love your LO. It is cute and spunky to me. Thanks for sharing about yourself :) hugs, Violet

  10. I love your layout Angie, it's so FUN!!!! and your 10 random facts were fun to read too! Love learning more about you :) The Unity dream that has now come true is SO awesome :) YAY! ! ! ! !

  11. Love your 10 things, love that you are so honest and share so much. So great to get other people to know better.
    And I also love your scrapbooking page :-* Janna

  12. Wonderful layout and thanks for sharing so many personal tidbits! I am also a Unity blog stalker, I just love their company, their stamps and their positivity. From 16 to 25 I was TERRIFIED of driving and wouldn't drive at all. Thankfully my husband (then fiancee) was super patient with me and now I drive all of the time and only get the occasional butterflies before a long trip.

  13. I so enjoyed your post today finding more out about you too Angie and snap i`m also the middle child in my family.I don`t drive either but did have a shot years ago...imagine someone behind the wheel of a car with a very manic grin on her face and cackling away,why?That was me i kid you not i sooo could not believe i could make the car go,hahahaha...
    Looooove your layout!!

  14. These stamps look so fun to work with. Well, I am the youngest of 5 from the South and I married a man who is the oldest of 4 from the North. We each have fraternal twin brothers as well. It's true opposites do attract.
    contact @NeatThings-Boutique .coom
    blog.Neatthings-Boutique .com

  15. I am the youngest of 3. Growing up my mom would often let us kids pick dinner - everyone hated it when it was my turn as I loved liver and turnip - still do :)
    Love the layout, especially the pie chart ~ may have to buy that set just for that stamp!

  16. I love your layout. That stamp set is great!! Thanks for sharing! Alease

  17. I LOVE this page! I am patiently waiting for my SMAK kit to arrive!

  18. Love this layout and post! Love that pie chart stamp, and what fun to learn about you! One of 9 that's a big deal. I'm a first generation American. My parents were born in China and Indonesia and met in Taiwan. I am a Christian too, and feel so blessed that missionaries went to Indonesia and Taiwan to spread the gospel there so that I was able to grow up in a Christian family.

  19. Fabulous layout, love the stamping!

  20. Yeah! A fellow Canadian :) Love the colour-scheme - reminds me of all things ocean.... Thanks for sharing about yourself - and I'm so glad that your Unity dream came true!

  21. Hi Angie,
    I LOOOOVED this post!! The layout is super fun and cute!! So happy for you and your stamps and making your dream come true!!

    WOW, these facts about you were awesome to read. Holy cow I thought you were much younger, YOU LOOK GREAT!! Sorry to hear about the miscarriage, good you look for the positive in it though (HUGS), WOW you broke the pattern and are a middle child (shocked again) wow no driving... my nana and dad's friend don't drive either and my sister hates driving. I can't imagine not having my car... I've always wanted to be a race car driver if assured I wouldn't have an accident. These were so great Angie!!

    ok now my turn... when I was born I was rushed to Rainbow babies for heart surgery (this is why my heart is full of extra love)... I have had glasses since 6th grade and HATE WEARING THEM.... also I don't swim and don't like pools much... afraid of roller coasters since my dad made me ride one as a kid... I brush my teeth after every meal.... My favorite movie is Pretty Woman and I saw it 5 times in theater and saw Lion King 5 times at theather with my oldest... I am the oldest of 3 girls and always wanted a brother.. my hubby is one of 4 boys... I still want a brother... well that's a little bit about me.

    Thanks again for this fun post!!

  22. I love your layout!! So bright and pretty!
    And the arrow heart was the first thing that caught my attention. ))
    Love the 10 things. May try it on my blog as well. ))
    Will write one here. I have 3 kids and want another one in few years, just not sure how that will go with my hobby. LOL

  23. Thank you for sharing so much about yourself. It is nice to know that there are more stalkers out there.... I wish I had more time to stalk but work gets into the way. Something to share about myself.... I am the oldest of 4 girls.... I only have one child and I am married to my high school sweet heart....and I hate snakes.

  24. Love your project Angie!!
    Thanks for sharing 10 things about you..

  25. Enjoyed your post and I knew you would come up with an amazing layout using the current smak kit. I got mine and just didn't know what to do with it. Thanks for the inspiration.

  26. Thx for sharing the personal side of you. I had a few giggles about the glasses :)

  27. I love learning about the DT that I stalk out there. LOL.. I also do not drive. I have VERY vivid dreams of smashing into the back of card at full speed or every intersection I just know i amd going to be crushed. Why are we like this???

  28. As always....your LO's are sooooooo them so much..Hope to see you some day and that we can scrap together!! <3 Jolande

  29. Love the layout and I love the 10 things about you! Not driving seems so not doable for me LOL But truth be told I do not love it and wish I never had to do it again. I had 3 miscarriages after Morgan before Carlee. So sad.
    I am obsessed with Unity, I bet you didn't know that! LOL <3 The 'weirdest' thing about me is I can't wait to throw things out. It makes me crazy when there is just a short piece of ribbon left on a spool or just a few stickers on a sheet LOL

  30. love you style and great LO! I have a brand new Great Niece today! Her name is Tarrah and she is perfect and beautiful! ♥♥♥ also so happy that your dream of working for Unity Stamp Co came true♥

  31. Love the layout! Love the colors, the stamps....One thing about me...I'm the youngest of 6.

  32. Great layout Angie, love all things "Angie" thanks for sharing. Ware mostly girls in my family.I have 1 sister that has 2 daughters, I have 2 daughters, Mom has 2 daughters and 4 granddaughters. GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS!!

  33. Love your layout and your 10 things.
    I'm the oldest of 3, am also a Unity stalker, hve 2 kids, teach in the same high school I graduated from....its like I never left :) I speak Spanish most of the day, and I love hummus.

  34. Great layout. I am a middle child too. I ended up having all boys--4 of them.

  35. Great Layout!!
    I am a Unity Addict also! I use Unity on most of the cards i make. I don't have a blog. Am too lazy to log all the info to post to galleries. I rarely purchase a store bought card.

    I turned 50 this year and have been married 27 years. We were only blessed with one Special Child who will turn 22 in November.

    Thanks for sharing the facts about you!!

  36. What a great layout - love how you used that border punch!

    Interesting fact...I go by Angie now,like you do, but when I was in kindergarten there were 3 Angela's in my class and I was the 3rd one to arrive, so I had to go by Ang that year!

  37. Wonderful page! Wow! One of 9! Wow!

  38. Wow, I love your layout! Every time I see your work, it makes me want the SMAK kit, too! Angie - thanks for sharing all your personal info with us... I feel like I've gotten to know you instantly and love it! So cool that you're from Guyana - my parents in law are from there! Anyway, we really need to hook up! I think we share many common things!

  39. So neat to read all the interesting facts about of nine is amazing! Must have been fun. I share three things with you...being the middle child, Christian and Canadian.Love your fun layout...great stamps.

  40. Awesome lo! Love your stamps! THanks for the 10 things about you-it's nice to know more about you!
    One thing about me is I am the youngest of 4 kids. It's funny how your birth position a family shapes your view on things. I find myself taking up for my youngest daughter when the older 2 criticize her because I can remember how it felt to be the "baby."


thanks you for taking the time to comment. I so appreciate reading them all!
hugs Angie Blom xox