
Friday, December 14, 2012

December Daily 12/13/12

Good Day everyone, welcome to my December Daily..
I am still forging ahead, and as the days get closer
we are having some fun family moments..
So tell me do you have SNOW...
well living here just outside of Toronto, I would imagine
we would have some sort of snow by now.. but NO
nothing , it is freezing out side, but the sun is shining,
and no snow is coming our way...
well hoping over the winter holiday's we get some
for the kids to build forts and snowmen!!
so welcome to my
December 13, 2012
Great Green Canadian Weather!!

Yesterday while cleaning I also found this little clay bowl my son Alex made me in 2009.
Well I decided to paint it and this is what it looks like.. beautiful don't you think?? I just love it!!
Thinking this weekend as a family craft we will try our hands at some paper clay and make some for presents!! I am thinking all my sisters would love one of these!!  

Hope you are having a great day.. come back tomorrow for more December Daily!!


  1. Hi Angie,

    Hate to say it too, NO SNOW here in Ohio either. We usually have one by now, think maybe it's holding out till Christmas and then dump a bunch on us,lol. We are in high 40's and 50's coming this weekend with SUNSHINE!! I just walked the dog and it felt so good. My son made some paper snowflakes and hung them up hoping the snow will come now, haha.

    I LOVE that you made today about the weather, wait to see what happens next year on this date.

    REALLLLLY love your layout on the bowl, how sweet it is. How did you do the layers on the side, almost looks digtial or rubon's maybe?? I like it so much.

    Good job keeping up on your pages!! Have a fun crafing weekend. We might try to do some ginerbread houses.

  2. I am in the San Diego mountains this week. Got snow! Great layouts. You gave me some ideas. Thx.

  3. Super nice composition. Love your subject matter. Will keep checking your blog out!


thanks you for taking the time to comment. I so appreciate reading them all!
hugs Angie Blom xox