
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Unity Goodness!!

I can't believe how long it has been since I last blogged.. bad blogger I am.. Life has taken a busy turn.. I started back to work in late August ( been a stay at home mom for 16 years) so let's just say my body is not use to standing 9 hours a day, doing hard physical labour.. ha! But, now my feet are not killing me every night, and my back is not sore anymore from lifting 50 lb boxes... So here is where I am working.. In Canada it is called Dollarama, one of the most popular dollar stores in around, I am starting at a new location and have been there from ground up.. meaning a bare store with now displays, shelving.. anything.. So I have been working 9 hour days some 7days a week or so.. so this leaves me hardly anytime for crafting.. but I still get those designs going every evening.. cause I love my ART for Unity Stamp Company..  Last week was my first weekend off and I celebrated making 15 cards for the next few weeks.. plus I have been busy trying to kit for my upcoming class for Crop & Create Cornwall.. so that is why I have not been blogging..haha 
Just in case you wanted to know! 
So first up I have a ton of cards I wanted to share with you...
This week over on the Unity Stamp Company website we are promoting some new Releases..
I just love Cowboy boots.. So I designed this image and sentiment .
Your can find it here on promotion this weekend.. go grab them..
only $7.49 this weekend, sale ends Monday Sept. 23 midnight CST

I also love this new Release by Unity Artista Jeanie Dickinson
only $7.49 this weekend, sale ends Monday Sept. 23 midnight CST
Now these came out last weekend.. they are called "very small Stamps by Unity.. but trust me they are not that small.. just a tiny smaller than the itty bittys..  I have 5 of them that were released.. I love them so much. would be fun to add to my Project Life.
These stamps are only priced at $2.79 each.. they don't come with a sentiment but we have a lot
of great sentiments to choose from on the website.
here is the full collection of (not so) "very small stamps" by Unity
for $2.79 each collect them all!! I know I will be!
here are some cards I made using them.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.. get creative and go shopping!!

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thanks you for taking the time to comment. I so appreciate reading them all!
hugs Angie Blom xox